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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fairy Tales and Today's Star Reader

We are starting our unit on fairy tales.  Today we read these two books and wrote about them in our journals.  Enjoy a few reviews of the class favorite, Beware of the Bears.  It is a crazy sequel to Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  Be sure to ask your child what happened when the three bears returned to what they thought was Goldilocks' house.


  1. After reading these reviews I think I need to read Beware of the Bears!

    Lauren did a very nice reading her book. I liked the way she she showed emotion when she read.

    I was very proud of the rest of the class. They did a nice job of being quiet while the guest reading was being videotaped.

  2. Charlie and I liked watching Lauren reading this book from home on Saturday. She is a great reader.

    It was fun to watch Charlie in the background working so hard in his journal. Keep on reading Ms. Cooksey's class!
