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Monday, November 28, 2011

What Did You Do For Thanksgiving?

Sounds like everyone had a great Thanksgiving, with the excecption of a few friends who got sick over the break.  Check out what three of us did...
This is our last week for Adopt-a-Family.  We will celebrate all that we have brought in with Wacky Hair Day on Friday!  Here is our focus for this week:
Thanks for all of your support!!!

Our Concord Book Fair begins on Wednesday.   Typically books are around $5.00.  If you would like your child to purchase books please send money in with them on Thursday.  A building assistant will come and get those who bring money and take them to the fair.  The rest of us will not attend.  Thanks!

Here is a link to a new holiday website that some of us used today:
Check out the tune by Sugarplum Mary!  It will stick with you!!!!


  1. I love your activities and your look like you have so much fun and learn a lot everyday...

    THe. Ninnemans

  2. Keep up the good work with Adopt A Family class! You are doing such a good job!

    Mrs. Stockmann
