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Monday, May 16, 2011

Kinder-Camera People On The Loose!!!!!

Look at these great recorders....
Today's Brain Buster:  What do you like best about school?


  1. Wow, not only do they write well but now they video well too!

    My favorite part of school now is seeing all my kindergarten friends. When i was younger and in school I liked reading and math.

  2. Ooops, I should have reread to check for mistakes! I forgot to use a capital. It should have been, "When I was younger and in school I liked Reading and Math.

  3. I like that we live like a school-family! We help each other out, and enjoy being together! We also learn A LOT!!!!!

  4. i like that we get to go outsid

  5. i like that we get to go outsid

  6. Love these videos!!! What a great way to show what is going on in the classroom.
    Caleb's Mom
