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Friday, November 18, 2011

The Turkey Trot, Squanto's Special Snack, and Pumpkin Plants Parting...

That's right, we have changed the Hokey, Pokey.....

Squanto's Special Snack
16 of us said, "Thanks, Squanto, that was deeeeeee-lish!"
3 of us said, "Thanks Squanto, but we'll pass next time!"

Here's the recipe:

 Smashing up the dirt...
 Adding the dead fish...

Planting the corn...
 Eating the snack...

As our pumpkin plants are growing bigger, we'll start sending them home.
Here is what they look like today...

Please remember it's time to pay the piper for all of those lucky ducks on Monday!  Please send in cookie dough, magazine orders, and money.  I know that I'll be busy selling this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Loved your singing on The Turkey Trot. Squanto's sncak looks pretty yummy to me.....who doesn't like to eat a little dirt (especially if it's made with Oreos..) YUMMY!
    Mrs. Skubic
