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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Eagle Writing

We have been watching the baby eagles that have hatched in Iowa.  Today, we wrote about them in our journals. 
Here is the link if you would like to watch from home:
We started out by making a word bank of words that we could use in our writing.  Check out this little clip of us working.

Here are some journal samples...
Max's finished picture:

Here is our Star Reader.....


  1. We love the blog! It's so neat to see everyone doing so well with their reading and writing.
    Great job Max on your journal. It was so fun to watch you and see your picture.

  2. I love watching the eagles too. I think it is very peaceful. It looks kind of gross when the parents feed their babies the dead animals but that is the way it is in nature. I'm just glad I didn't have to feed my babies like that.

    Arthur did a great job reading about the black cat. He sure liked to be on a lot of different things.
